News | October 10, 2022
Squeezely X Building Blocks
What's the difference between a CDP and an Decisioning Engine?
Customer Data Platforms (CDP) like Squeezely’s and Decisioning Engines (DE) are frequently compared, but each serves a distinct purpose. Personalization is a particularly powerful tool for achieving your business goals because of the synergy between these technologies. In the onepager, we explain the differences between both, and even more importantly, you’ll discover why the two Squeezely and Inspire match so well for true 1:1 personalization at scale. Download the onepager below and find out:
- Why you need to need to buy a Decisioning Engine when you already have a Customer Data Platform.
- How to provide hundred thousands of customers with a hyperpersonalized experience.
- Why your marketing team doesn’t become redundant when starting with a Decisioning engine.